In addition to the payment date, automatic credit card repayment may also be deducted on the repayment date, which requires more information of bank customer service or mobile banking. Once you set up automatic repayment, the bank will generate automatic repayment on each billing date. You can choose to add some extra money to pay the previous arrears to ensure that the balance is enough for automatic deduction. Don't change the repayment amount easily after the automatic repayment takes effect, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.
Finally, if you don't have enough balance to pay the automatic repayment, it will cause arrears and penalty interest. So, please make sure that your bill has enough balance to pay the automatic repayment. If your balance is insufficient on the repayment date, the bank will not automatically deduct the money, which will lead to your manual repayment, and you will face the risk of fines and credit rating decline.
In a word, automatic credit card repayment is a convenient and time-saving repayment method, but it also needs to master certain skills to ensure its effective operation. Pay attention to the date and balance of the bill, and consult the bank customer service in case of uncertainty to get better help.