Don’t mention it’s just the last number of your bank card. Even if you know your bank card number but don’t know the password, it’s useless, so don’t worry too much.
If others only know your bank card number, there is generally no danger. But it would be even more dangerous if someone else knows the payment password and SMS verification code corresponding to your bank card number at the same time, or knows your credit card number and the corresponding CVV2 code at the same time. You can successfully pass the payment security verification, transfer your card balance or make purchases using your bank card.
There is generally no risk if the bank staff knows the bank card number and customer name, unless the teller has evil intentions. However, if relatives, friends or unrelated strangers around you know your bank card number, name, and ID number, it will cause risks such as fund theft, personal information leakage, and online fraud.
If outsiders know the bank card number, they can use technological means to copy the bank card and then try the password to decipher the password. People who can copy bank cards must also have channels to test passwords and decipher the passwords through countless experiments. Of course, if you already know the password, it will be very easy to successfully withdraw money once you have a copied card. If there is a large amount of funds in the bank card and the ATM machine cannot withdraw all the money at once, you can forge the original ID card with your name and ID number, and then go to the bank counter to withdraw cash. Nowadays, many grassroots online verifications are still entered manually instead of machine verification. With a fake ID card, as long as the ID number and name are correct, the funds can be withdrawn by an agent. Therefore, it is best not to leak bank card information easily.
Notes on using bank cards:
1. When buying a wallet, there are usually a few small hard cards introducing the brand, so don’t throw them away! When placing cards, except that the cards cannot be in the same mezzanine, place a card like this on the side with the magnetic strip to act as a spacer.
2. ICBC has a special bank card holder, which works well. You can order several to use.
3. It is also good to use ID cards as intervals. (The second-generation ID card is a radio frequency card, not a magnetic card, so the ID card will not be "degaussed" with the bank card.)