Some people think that credit card is a credit currency and a payment tool, relying on the credit of consumers. The definition of money is a commodity separated from commodities, which acts as a commodity in the universal equivalent. The essence of money is a commodity, so credit cards are not universal equivalents or commodities.
What's the difference between a credit card and money?
1. Money is a universal equivalent as a medium of exchange, and the value scale function is the most basic function of money, while credit cards are different. It is not an equivalent and has no value scale function, but a means of value transfer and a carrier of money.
2. Money and commodities, as means of circulation, are constantly shifting between buyers and sellers, and credit cards always belong to one owner. When goods are traded as a medium, the value is transferred, but credit cards are not. It is still the transposition movement of money and goods;
3. Credit card is an advanced payment tool, which is the extension and extension of monetary payment means. It breaks through the restriction of currency, can complete transactions for its cardholders in one place or many times, and can pay a large or small amount within the bank credit line in exchange for the goods and services that cardholders need. When serving the same cardholder, it greatly expands the means of monetary payment in time and space;
4. The credit card layout has storage means. When serving customers, it only performs the function of savings passbook; It will not become the world currency. Although credit card has broken national boundaries and been widely used in the world, it still transfers money because it has no value scale function. When money is realized in the function of money, it is still a payment tool.