Most people may have this situation. For various reasons, they have applied for a bunch of bank cards, but only a few of them are actually used. Some of the bank cards may have disappeared. But it has not been canceled and it has always been in your name. So at this time we will wonder, is there a way to check all the bank cards under your name? Let’s take a look with the editor.
Banks in our country are generally independent enterprises, and the systems are not connected. Therefore, if you want to check how many debit cards you have in your name, you can only check them one by one. But if it is a credit card If so, thanks to the People's Bank of China's credit reporting system, you only need to check your personal credit report.
Credit Cards
To check all the credit cards under your name, it is very simple. Log in directly to the website of the Credit Reference Center of the People's Bank of China and print your personal credit report on the homepage of the personal credit report. , you can see how many credit cards you have under your name, the processing time, usage, and overdue status of these credit cards.
Debit card
Because a credit card is similar in nature to a loan, all banks need to report it to the Credit Reference Center of the People's Bank of China, so you can check it on the credit report. But debit cards are different. Debit cards are savings and non-credit cards, so they do not need to be reported to the central bank's credit reporting center. Therefore, you can only go to each bank to check.
Shouldn’t you check too many credit reports?
Of course, there is also a saying that frequent credit checks will reduce the credit value. What needs to be explained here is that credit inquiries are divided into soft inquiries and hard inquiries. Personal inquiries, such as personal inquiries, are soft inquiries and have little impact on your credit worthiness. The first two times are free, and the subsequent ones will cost 25 yuan/time. Inquiries such as the bank's credit report when you apply for a loan are hard inquiries. Querying too many times will affect the reputation value.