A credit card that is about to expire means that the credit card is about to expire and the credit card can no longer be used. If a credit card expires, it can no longer be used. Generally, if the cardholder does not explicitly request to terminate the use of the card, the bank will default to agreeing to renew the card. The bank will make a new card one month before the card expires and mail it to After users get the new card, they need to activate it before they can use it.
Credit cards stipulated in the relevant laws of our country ("Interpretation of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Relevant Credit Card Regulations") refer to credit cards issued by commercial banks or other financial institutions with the functions of consumption payment, credit loans, transfer settlement , cash deposit and withdrawal and other full or partial functions of the electronic payment card. On December 1, 2017, the "English Translation and Writing Standards in the Public Service Field" was officially implemented, stipulating that the standard English name of credit cards is Credit Card.
Credit card consumption is a non-cash transaction payment method. There is no need to pay cash when consumption, and repayment will be made on the billing date.
Main features of credit card:
Credit card is one of the fastest growing financial services today. It is an electronic currency that can replace traditional cash circulation to a certain extent;
Credit cards have both payment and credit functions. Cardholders can use it to purchase goods or enjoy services, and can also obtain certain loans from card issuers by using credit cards;
Credit cards are high-tech products that integrate financial services and computer technology.
Credit cards can reduce the use of cash;
Credit cards can provide settlement services, facilitate shopping and consumption, and enhance a sense of security;
Credit cards can simplify payment procedures, Save social labor;
Credit cards can promote product sales and stimulate social demand.
Individuals applying for credit cards must have a fixed occupation and a stable source of income, and provide a guarantee to the bank. The forms of guarantee include personal guarantee, unit guarantee and personal capital guarantee.
The application method is generally by filling in a credit card application form. The content of the application form generally includes the name of the applicant, basic information, economic status or source of income, guarantor and his/her basic information, etc. And submit certain copies of documents and certificates to the card issuing bank.
Credit cards are divided into credit cards and quasi-credit cards. Credit cards refer to credit cards in which the cardholder has a certain credit limit and can consume within the credit limit and then repay; quasi-credit card It refers to a quasi-credit card in which the cardholder deposits a certain amount of reserve fund as required. When the reserve account balance is insufficient to pay, the cardholder can overdraw within the prescribed credit limit. The so-called credit card generally refers to a credit card only.
Starting from January 1, 2021, the credit card overdraft interest rate will be determined independently by the card issuer and the cardholder through independent negotiation, and the upper and lower limit management of credit card overdraft interest rates will be cancelled. The daily interest rate is 0.7 times 5/10,000).