To apply for a credit card, you must be at least 18 years old, have legal and valid identification, and have the ability to repay on time every month. When applying for a credit card, users generally need to submit proof of work. Credit information must be good. If the credit information is not good, the possibility of applying for a credit card will be very high.
Everbright Little Yellow Duck Meng Tong Theme Card has a maximum interest-free period of 50 days and a minimum of 20 days; Exempt from the annual fee for the first year of application; If you spend three times in that year or the accumulated amount is 2000 yuan, you will be exempted from the annual fee of the following year; The consumption points generated by using this credit card are valid for 5 years, and the cardholder can enjoy double points on his birthday.
The withdrawal ratio of Everbright Little Yellow Duck Meng Tong Theme Card is 50% of the credit line, and the withdrawal fee is 2.5% of the withdrawal amount, with a minimum of 10 yuan; The minimum repayment amount is 65438+ 00% of this month's bill, with daily interest of 0.05%; If this credit card is lost, 20 yuan will have to pay for it when it is reissued.