There are many people applying for credit cards now. If they use the card rationally, continue to use the card and repay in time, the credit card limit and personal credit report will not be affected. On the contrary, the credit card will be reduced or the credit score will be reduced. Block the card. If the cardholder is blacklisted by the bank when using the card, he or she will be blocked from applying for a card or loan at the bank. So what should you do if your credit card is on the blacklist? Is there any way to remedy it?
If your credit card is on the blacklist and you want to remedy it, you need to know the reason why the credit card is on the blacklist. Generally, the reason why a credit card is on the blacklist is that the card applicant provided false information when applying for the card. The card applicant felt that applying for the card was not easy. In order to improve the success rate of card application, he overpackaged the application materials, and was later discovered by the bank. If you are blacklisted for this reason, there is basically no remedy, because banks have expressly prohibited this behavior, so you can only go elsewhere if you want a loan or apply for a card. Another way is to cash out your credit card and be blacklisted by the bank. This behavior is illegal and illegal. The only way to remedy the situation is to diversify your consumption, use cards in compliance, establish a good credit record, and be removed from the blacklist. The interest rate is still very high. The last one is to enter the blacklist if you fail to pay the debt overdue. Then you can only pay off the debt as soon as possible. The usage of the card after paying off the debt is very important. You must continue to use the card and keep good records, so that it is possible to be removed. blacklist.
So, after you find that your credit card has been included in the list, you must find the right reason and deal with it in time.