The answer is yes, credit cards can be used to transfer money. Credit cards can be transferred through electronic financial services (EFS) or online banking system (OBP). Electronic financial service is an online payment service, which can be used to transfer funds from one account to another. Online banking system can also be used to transfer money, but it can only be used to transfer money to your bank account, not to other accounts.
To transfer money by credit card, you must first connect the credit card with the account, so that you can transfer money by credit card. You can connect your credit card to your account through the bank's website or mobile phone application. Once your credit card is connected to your account, you can use it to transfer money.
Different banks will have different transfer fees, so be sure to check the transfer fees of your bank before using credit card to transfer money. Generally speaking, there will be a certain handling fee for transferring money by credit card, but there will be no handling fee for paying bills by other payment methods (such as cash, bank card or check).
In addition, when using credit card to transfer money, you also need to pay attention to the time of transfer. Generally speaking, credit card transfer takes longer than other payment methods, so you must know the transfer time before using credit card transfer.
In short, credit cards can be used to transfer money, but before using credit cards to transfer money, you must first understand the cost and time of transfer. In addition, to transfer money by credit card, you must first connect the credit card with the account, so that you can transfer money by credit card.