In order to avoid overdue repayment, credit card arrears should be paid off before the repayment date after the current bill date. If you don't repay the loan on time, your personal credit record may be affected and you will be charged overdue penalty. At the same time, it is illegal to maliciously overdraw credit cards, and banks have the right to sue the perpetrators. Once discovered by the bank, it will reduce the credit card limit or seal the card, but it will not only directly affect the personal credit record, but also bear the corresponding legal responsibility. Therefore, timely repayment is very important.
How many days can Guangfa Credit Card postpone repayment?
According to the credit card regulations of Guangfa Bank, the longest grace period is 3 days, but you can only apply once a year. If it is not applied for or used, the grace period of the following year will be shortened to 1 day. You need to apply to the bank in advance, otherwise you can't enjoy the grace period service.