When many people pay off their credit cards, they are worried that they may accidentally forget the repayment time and become overdue, so they basically want to set up automatic repayment on their credit cards. So, how to set up automatic credit card repayment?
To set up automatic repayment for your credit card, just bring your ID card, credit card and a savings card to a bank branch to bind it, and ask the staff to set up the automatic repayment function for you. It is recommended that the debit card used for binding should be from the same bank as the credit card, which will be more convenient.
Of course, you can also choose to call the bank’s customer service number and ask the customer service staff to help you bind the two cards together and set up the automatic repayment function. Or you can also handle it directly through online banking or mobile banking.
In addition, Alipay and WeChat can also set up automatic credit card repayment, but currently both require a certain fee for repayment.
If the two cards are bound together, the bank system will automatically deduct money from your savings card to repay the credit card on the final repayment date every month. And you just need to ensure that there are sufficient funds in the bound savings card.