In fact, whether it is a military marriage or an ordinary marriage, you should ensure that your personal credit information is good, mainly for yourself and for the whole family. If the personal credit is not good, it will affect your chances of buying a car or a house. When a person wants to make a business loan, it is also very difficult. In addition, if the credit information is seriously bad, it will also restrict the use of personal bank cards, personal travel, children's education and so on. These are the dangers we will face, so in order to be responsible for ourselves, we should spend reasonably and repay in time, and don't let ourselves become a person with bad credit information.
Military marriage is protected by law, and no one can destroy it. Moreover, military marriage refers to soldiers with military status, but also refers to active servicemen, not veterans or demobilized soldiers. This concept is also very clear, so don't confuse it.
People who want to marry active servicemen must pay attention to the following process and share it with you:
1. need to report to the company in time, including name, address, telephone number, work unit and other information.
The marriage report must be stamped. When the army allows itself to report and then apply? Marriage form? .
3. It usually takes several months to conduct a political review of the other party.
4. Some places also require premarital check-ups, the main purpose of which is to ensure that soldiers can have healthy wives or husbands and consider for the next generation of soldiers.
5. Then prepare your ID card, 1 inch photo, etc. With the relevant information, you can go to the civil affairs bureau to register for marriage.
Compared with Rong Qing, being a soldier's family member is a trivial matter. Because your family is defending the country outside, the state will also protect the families of soldiers, and will also protect the military marriage of soldiers from threats from others.