1. None of the casinos in Las Vegas have clocks.
2. 40% of McDonald’s profit comes from the sales of Happy Meals.
The 3.1996 version of Webster's Dictionary has 315 spelling errors.
4. An average of 12 newborns are given to the wrong parents every day.
5. Chocolate is fatal to dogs. Just a few ounces can kill a puppy due to damage to the heart and nervous system.
6. In the 1830s, ketchup was sold as a medicine.
7. Leonardo da Vinci could write with one hand and draw with the other.
8. Scissors were invented by Leonardo da Vinci.
9. It took Leonardo da Vinci 10 years to paint Mona Lisa’s lips.
10. The Oscars awarded during World War II were made of wood because metal was a scarce commodity at the time.
11. Look at your zipper. If there are three letters YKK on it, it means that it is a product of Yoshida Kogyo Kabushi bibaisha, the world's largest zipper manufacturer.
12. Bruce Lee moved very fast, too fast to see clearly, so he had to slow down the film when shooting the movie.
13. Lie on your back and slowly lift your legs to avoid sinking into quicksand.
14. Mosquito repellent water does not repel mosquitoes but interferes with their sensory organs so that they cannot find people.
15. Dentists recommend that toothbrushes should be placed at least 6 feet away from the bathroom to avoid various particles that are generated when flushing the toilet and float in the air.
16. The first product to be barcoded was Wrigley’s chewing gum.
17. Michael Jordan’s annual income from Nike is more than the combined salary of all Nike factory workers in Malaysia.
18. Marilyn Monroe had 6 fingers on one foot.
19. Hitler’s mother considered abortion, but was dissuaded by doctors.
20. A person will shed 40 pounds of skin in a lifetime.
21. If you are accidentally bitten by a crocodile, just poke its eyeball hard and it will let you go.
22. It only takes an average of 7 minutes for a person to fall asleep.
23. Yo-yos were used as weapons in the Philippines.
24. Cats are the only domestic animals not mentioned in the Bible.
25. Rubber bands store better when refrigerated.
Keyboard input of 26.56 is done with the left hand.
27. "Dreamt" is the only English word ending with "mt".
28. Even without a head, a cockroach can still survive for 10 days.
29. Unable to keep eyes open when sneezing.
30. Mexico City sinks 10 inches every year.
31. The brain is more active during sleep than when watching TV.
32.80% of Americans like blue the most.
33. There are more chickens than people on this planet.
34. The nails of the thumb grow the slowest, and the nails of the middle finger grow the fastest.
35. There are more telephones than people in Washington, USA.
The combined assets of 36.48 of the poorest countries are less than those of the three richest families in the world.
37. The first CEO of Marlboro Cigarette Company died of lung cancer.
38. Smart people’s hair contains more zinc and copper.
39. The youngest parents in the world were a pair of Chinese children in 1910, aged 8 and 9 respectively.
40. How big our eyes were when we were born, and how big they are now. But the nose and ears keep growing.
41. You burn more calories while sleeping than while watching TV.
42. People will die if they don’t sleep for about 10 days.
43. Chew gum while chopping onions and you won’t cry.
44. Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.
45. If the moon is directly overhead, your weight will decrease slightly.
46. Alexander Bell, who invented the telephone, never called his mother or wife because they were both deaf.
47. "I am." is the shortest complete sentence in English.
48. Just like fingerprints, everyone’s tongue pattern is different.
49. "bookkeeper" is the only word in English that repeats letters three times in a row.
50. Right-handed people live an average of 9 years longer than left-handed people.
51. "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses all the letters in the English language.
52. If all the Chinese people walked in front of you in a line, this line would never end due to the excessive birth rate.
53. More people use English in China than in the United States.
54. Each square inch of human skin contains 20 feet of blood vessels.
55. People use the restroom 6 times a day on average.
56. A baby has 300 bones at birth, but only 206 as an adult.
57.Beard is the fastest growing human hair. If a man never trims his face, he will grow a 30-foot beard throughout his life.
58. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? According to the Bible Genesis 1:20-22, the chicken came first.
59. The longest place name still in use is: Taumatawhakatangihangaoauotameteaturi-Pukakpikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu, which is a hill in New Zealand.
60. If you left Tokyo by plane at 7 am, then when you arrived in Honolulu, it was 4:30 pm yesterday.
61. Scientists at Parkes Observatory in Australia thought they had received radio waves from extraterrestrial civilizations. After investigation, they found that the radio waves actually came from a microwave oven in the observatory.
62. Wearing earplugs for one hour will increase the number of bacteria in your ears by 700 times.
63. A French kiss can exchange more than 40,000 parasites and 250 types of bacteria.
64. Men have better vision than women, and women have better hearing than men.
65. Coca-Cola was originally green.
66. The most common name in the world is: Muhammad.
67. If "north" and "south" are not included, in English, the first and last letters of the seven major states are the same.
68. The average American has two credit cards.
69. "Invalid writer" is the longest English word that can be written using a single row of QWERTY keyboard keys.
70. Twice as many women are blind as men.
71. People will not die from holding their breath.
72. When you sneeze, your heart stops beating for about 1 millisecond.
73. Pigs cannot see the sky.
74. “Sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick” is the most convoluted tongue twister in the English language.
75. A sneeze that is too violent can crack ribs, and trying to hold in a sneeze can rupture blood vessels in the neck or brain, which can be fatal.
76. The K of each suit in the playing cards represents a great king in history: spades are King David, clubs are Alexander the Great, hearts are Charlemagne, and diamonds are Julius Caesar.
77.111, 111, 111 x 111, 111, 111 = 12, 345, 678, 987, 654, 321.
78. When you see a statue of a knight, if the horse is flying on all fours, then this person died in battle.
79. Same as above, if one of the horse's front legs is raised, then the man was seriously wounded and died in battle.
80. Same as above, if all four legs of the horse touch the ground, then the person died of natural causes.
81. Honey will not spoil.
82.The crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.
83. A snail can sleep for 3 years.
84. All polar bears are left-handed.
85. In 1987, American Airlines saved $40,000 by eliminating one olive from every salad served in first class.
86. Butterflies have taste organs on their feet.
87. An elephant cannot jump.
88. In the past 4,000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.
89. Generally speaking, people fear spiders more than death.
90. The words "assassination" and "bump" were coined by Shakespeare.
91. If you have the patience to read this, congratulations, please reply as soon as possible. If you don't reply, the chance of dying before 12 o'clock tonight is 99.
92: The strongest and most powerful muscle in the human body is the tongue.
93: It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
94: It is impossible to commit suicide by holding your breath.
95: Every time you lick the backing of a stamp, you absorb one-tenth of a calorie.
96: Right-handers live an average of nine years longer than left-handers.
97: Polar bears are all left-handed.
98: Some lions can mate more than 50 times in one day. He really is the king of beasts...
99: Ostrich’s eyes are bigger than its head; starfish have not yet evolved a brain.
100: Fleas can jump 350 times their body length, which is equivalent to a person jumping over an American football field.
101: A cockroach with its head removed can live for 9 days. The reason for death after 9 days is excessive hunger? So it is better to kill it immediately
102: The giraffe is not alive. How to cough
103: Owls are the only birds that can distinguish blue
104: A whale’s heart beats only nine times a minute
105: Chocolate contains A chemical called phenyl is the same thing your brain makes when you're in love
106: Only 30 percent of people can enlarge or shrink their nostrils
107: An oyster changes gender from male to female, and will change several times in its lifetime
108: The draft blueprint of the Eiffel Tower spreads out to more than 14,000 square feet Area
109: Astronauts cannot cry in space because there is no gravity and tears cannot flow out
110: Blind chameleons still have the ability to change color to adapt to their surroundings Environment
111: Elephants will remain standing after death
112: Some insects can live for another year without heads
113: Daphne It took twelve years to paint Mona Lisa's lips
114: When glass breaks, the glass fragments travel at up to three thousand miles per hour
115: Dairy cows can supply more milk when listening to music
116: Roses picked in the afternoon last longer than roses picked in the morning
117: A 70-pound Octopuses can fit through a hole the size of a silver coin because they have no spine
118: A shark can detect blood as low as one part per million in the water
119 : Actually, hippos can run faster than people
120: It is said that everyone who reads this article will try to enlarge or shrink their nostrils!
121: Crocodiles cannot stretch out their nostrils Tongue.