Read it patiently! It will definitely help! 1. If you owe a large amount, the bank's loan will not let you use it to repay the debt, so the loan will basically not be able to be paid off (unless you use other reasons, it also depends on whether you are in arrears, and the interest rate on private loans is very high) 2 ., you can borrow money to repay, because as you repay, the amount owed will also decrease. Taking the repayment amount of 10 as an example, if you pay 5000 for 50000, and there is 45000 left, then you will exchange it for 4500 next time, and so on, the pressure will increase. The smaller. 3. Request personalized repayment through customer service or the collection department, resolve it through negotiation, and choose a repayment amount that is acceptable to you. Of course, the longer the time, the greater your losses. 4. When handling bill installments, it usually ranges from 3 to 24 installments. Including handling fees, you can pay back approximately 2,500 a month, and you can pay off the bill in 24 installments. There are even more installments, such as 36.