The correct way to maintain a credit card: 1. Three months after opening the card, you must accumulate credit and repay on time. Let the bank be absolutely assured of you. It takes more than 3 months of using the card to increase the bank limit. It also takes 6 months of using the card to apply for a card. These are all used to see your performance. Only the first few months have been good. Only if you have a good credit record, the bank will be able to raise your credit limit and apply for a card with your card.
2. Use POS machines with small amounts and points as much as possible. Only when the bank makes money will the bank increase your balance. The profit sharing of the POS machine is as follows: 7 for the card issuing bank, 2 for the depositing bank, and 1 for UnionPay. Those with points are not capped, and those without points are capped and cannot make money.
3. Frequent repayment. The purpose of this is to increase the efficiency of fund turnover and increase the utilization rate of funds. The more frequently you swipe and repay the card, the more the bank likes it, so that the bank can feel that the funds are safe and secure. Can make money.
4. Friends who want to cash out working capital, read this article. Banks believe that the key to cashing out lies in large-amount consumption - large sums in and out, the overdraft limit accounts for a high proportion of the total limit, and the maintenance period is long, which is a taboo in using the card. In fact, it doesn't matter if you want to cash out. This is a problem that every bank cannot solve. The key is not to go too far. My personal advice: Be careful when making large amounts, and the amount should not exceed one-fifth of the total amount. Except for brushing points.
5. Use every opportunity to brush every day, no matter how big or small. When I buy a bottle of mineral water, I always swipe my card. What about paying electricity bills, water bills, phone bills... Don't underestimate these small credit card swiping records, they are very useful for your card usage activity. The amount of card swiping, the frequency of swiping the card, the type of consumption, the repayment record, the contribution value of the card use... these are the categories that the bank's computer system examines.
6. Make at least two cash withdrawals a month to let the bank earn some interest. Make an installment every two months, and the number of installments should not be too long.
7. Participate in the bank’s preferential points activities.