If you have a credit card, and then apply for other cards of your peers, you can apply for a bank credit card directly in official website. If there is nothing wrong with your credit history, it is usually approved once every second.
If it is to increase the credit limit, it is recommended to apply for a credit card in another bank. Because you already have a card, it won't be difficult to apply for a new card with this card, and if the original card has a good consumption record and no overdue repayment record, the amount of the new card will be higher.
Credit card application requirements are as follows:
1. Age requirement: the age is between 18 and 65;
2. Income and job requirements: have a stable occupation and income;
3. Credit and repayment requirements: good credit and the ability to repay the principal and interest on time;
4. Qualification requirements: having full capacity for civil conduct;
5. Requirements of application materials: provide original certificates.