Everyone who uses a credit card knows that before the credit card expires, you need to handle the expiration of the credit card. If the cardholder does not change the card after the credit card expires, can the previous credit card still be used?
Can the credit card be used after expiration and if the card is not replaced?
Normally, if the credit card expires and the card is not replaced, it can no longer be used. In other words, cardholders can no longer use their credit cards for consumption, cash withdrawals and other services. Therefore, it is recommended that cardholders apply for card replacement in time before the credit card expires.
Of course, if the cardholder does not intend to use the card after the credit card expires, do not leave it alone. You can call the customer service number of the card-issuing bank and apply to cancel the credit card. This is to avoid subsequent annual fees on your credit card, which may in turn affect personal credit problems.
How to replace a credit card when it expires?
Under normal circumstances, the bank will proactively send a new card to the cardholder's billing address before the cardholder's credit card expires. If the cardholder has not received the credit card sent, he can call the bank's customer service number to inquire about the details and apply for a replacement credit card. In addition, active repayment operations and agreed repayments will not be affected during the credit card replacement period. Cardholders can make repayments normally.
After receiving the new card, what should I do with the old card?
After the cardholder receives the new card, the card can be activated and used. The relevant information on the old card will be automatically transferred to on the new card. At the same time, the old card becomes invalid. For the expired old card, the cardholder can cut it off or destroy it.