The grace period of China Merchants Bank credit card can be every month. There is no need to apply, and the bank will provide cardholders with a three-day repayment grace period every month. Even if the cardholder fails to repay the loan on the repayment date stipulated by the bank, as long as the loan is repaid within the grace period of the bank, the credit will not be affected by the overdue. However, as long as the cardholder exceeds the grace period by one day, it will be overdue and will be punished by the bank, which will increase interest and affect personal credit information.
When will China Merchants Bank's credit card expire on the third day?
China Merchants Bank Credit Card expires at 24: 00 on the third day. As long as it does not exceed 24 o'clock on the third day, even if it is not paid off in full, as long as it is enough, it is not overdue.