When handling a credit card, there are many details that need to be paid attention to. For example, when filling out the application form, there will be a reference field, which will attract some attention. It is necessary to choose influential people as references, which is helpful to get the card. Let's take a look at what the credit card introducer does. before sharing, I want to tell you a real example. Many colleagues in Small A Company wanted to apply for CITIC Credit Card. In addition, CITIC introduced the card application activities, so he applied for the card with his colleagues Xiao Li and Xiao Wu, and asked them to be references. Xiao Li is a platinum card customer of CITIC Bank, with a quota of 1, yuan. There is another colleague who handles the card with Xiao A, but they do it independently. As a result, after the results of the four people's card processing came out, Xiao A and his colleagues Xiao Li and Xiao Wu successfully approved the card, and the amount was more than 2, yuan, but the colleague who handled the card alone was rejected by CITIC Bank. It is worth noting that the salaries of the four people who apply for the card together are almost the same, and they are all white households. So, from this example, you can see how important the credit card introducer is. After all, there is a saying: birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. For banks, friends of high-quality customers can't be worse. This is the power of the circle!
however, it should be noted that credit card introducers are not randomly filled in. If you want to let the introducer play a positive role in handling your own card, it is best to let the bank's high-quality customers be the introducer, and you must meet these conditions, and your personal credit is good. It is best to hold a high-end credit card with a quota of more than 5, yuan and a service life of more than 2 years. Finally, I would like to remind everyone that it is not certain that people will succeed in introducing the card. Although the success rate of introducing the card is high, whether the card is finally issued depends mainly on the personal qualifications of the applicant. If the personal qualifications are not good, no matter how excellent the references are, they will still be rejected by the bank.