Hello, it actually does have an impact. When the bank makes a follow-up call for a credit card, the purpose is to verify your information and see if you filled it out truthfully. Once the information verification fails, the card will basically not be issued. Banks are very cautious in verifying information. In fact, there are many people who are nervous and make mistakes. Many people fail to apply for a card because they give a little bit of information wrongly. This can only be learned from this. If you are rejected, you must be more cautious next time and remember your information well. Or when you answer the phone, put a copy of the application form you filled out in front of you in advance.
The credit card limit is mainly based on your age, education, male and female, number of dependents, salary, unit, position, other credit card limits, house location, car price, etc., as well as your previous How is your credit history?
I hope my answer can help you.