The repayment grace period starts from the due repayment date and ends at 2 1:00 on the third night. If the cardholder fails to pay the minimum repayment amount on the due repayment date, it will not be overdue as long as he pays back the money within the following three-day grace period, and the bank will not include this behavior in the credit investigation.
If you apply for the minimum repayment amount, you need to calculate the daily interest at 0.05% from the consumption accounting date. If the repayment exceeds the grace period or the repayment amount is lower than the minimum repayment amount stipulated by the bank, it will be deemed overdue, and the daily interest will be 0.05%, and the interest will be calculated from the bookkeeping date. In addition, a late fee of 5% of the unpaid minimum repayment amount will be charged on a monthly basis.