Nowadays, fraudulent use has become a popular credit card security issue, which requires people to pay special attention to it. Since you want to know how to prevent fraudulent use, you should have a detailed understanding of fraudulent use.
What are the methods of credit card fraud
1. Internet theft
Criminals steal personal information and use it through the Internet and other methods. For example, in the name of refund, commission limit, order confirmation, etc., a false refund or commission page is created, requiring you to re-enter the card number and verification code, thereby defrauding the mobile phone dynamic verification code and stealing your funds.
2. Counterfeit card theft
Criminals illegally obtain your bank card information through theft, bribery and other means, and use fake bank cards. If you are not careful when swiping your card, criminals may copy your card information and steal your password, leading to fraud.
3. Lost card fraud
Your lost credit card has been picked up or stolen by an impostor. Your bank card does not have a password or a simple password. Once they got it, they took the credit card in one hand and the password in the other and swiped the money away.
4. Other means
In addition, you have to swipe your card repeatedly when checking out, the payment QR code is stolen, malicious QR code is stolen, and payment parameters such as amount information are tampered with. etc.