If you are not sure whether you have the ability to pay off your credit card debt, you will not apply for a credit card, because applying for a credit card will cause you to have an advance on various living expenses, making you unable to repay.
Firstly, for me, I don’t like to put too much pressure on myself in life. If my income is not very high and I don’t have the ability to spend a lot of money, then I don’t want to put too much pressure on myself. You don’t know how to apply for a credit card to satisfy your own consumption desires. You don’t have the ability to pay off credit card debt. Applying for a credit card is undoubtedly an act of drinking to quench your thirst. It will only make you fall into the trap step by step. It is very undesirable to fall into the abyss of advanced consumption, especially for young people.
The second is that if you apply for a credit card if you are not sure whether you have the ability to pay off your credit card debt, you will also induce yourself to consume blindly to a large extent. Doing so will bring you consequences. I am very confused. Even if I can have enough determination not to use the credit card I have applied for, if the credit card is not used for a long time, there will be a certain annual fee, which will also increase my own invisibly. expenses, so for me, I will not apply for a credit card for no reason, especially if I do not have the ability to pay off the debt. For a young person, it is important to develop rational and rational consumption habits. It is an important factor in ensuring your own success.