When the credit card is overdue, if you want to negotiate repayment with the bank, you should first take the initiative to negotiate with the bank. It is not malicious to show that you do have financial difficulties. Next, submit materials to prove financial difficulties, such as unemployment certificate, major illness confirmation certificate, disability identification certificate, etc. The bank will review the materials after receiving them. The materials are true and correct, and the user's explanation is true. Banks will consider negotiating repayment with users as appropriate. Don't expect to give up all interest and liquidated damages in the negotiation. When negotiating the number and amount of installments, we should do what we can, and we can't delay any longer.
When applying for a credit card, the bank will check the applicant's credit information. Generally speaking, whether it is approved or not, there will be an additional inquiry record in your credit report.
The bank will register your address, work unit and other information in the credit report of the People's Bank of China. Please fill in the form truthfully to avoid unnecessary trouble. If you apply for a second card, please confirm whether the default billing address has been changed, otherwise the credit card may be sent to the wrong address.