Nowadays, there are many people applying for credit cards, and credit card risk control is very strict. If the card is used irregularly or the card is swiped improperly, the bank will suspect that it is suspected of cashing out, which will bring problems to the cardholders. There are a lot of unnecessary troubles. It is very common that the credit card has been reduced or the account has been frozen. But how can you make a large amount of payment safely without being considered as cashing out?
To make a large amount of payment safely, you must first know that some credit card purchases are very dangerous. If all the money in the card is wiped out, or in the same billing period, the credit limit on the card is wiped out several times, the bank will think that you are deliberately cashing out. The other is to withdraw large amounts of cash, or to frequently use the card to make purchases in round amounts, and sometimes there are consumption records during non-merchant business hours. The other is to cash out through an intermediary.
So if you want to safely swipe large amounts of money with your credit card, you usually have to buy big items every now and then, so don’t just swipe your card at one merchant. And when swiping your card for consumption, you must choose the matching amount, otherwise it will be easy to be risk controlled. The most common merchants that can be swiped are bars, beauty salons, restaurants, nightclubs, wineries, tea (tea houses), etc.