First of all, the repayment record of credit card plays an important role in whether it will become bad debts. If the cardholder repays the loan on time or has a good repayment record, the credit line of 15000 yuan will usually not become a bad debt.
Secondly, the credit status of cardholders will also affect the possibility that credit cards will become bad debts. If the cardholder has other liabilities or bad credit records, the risk of overdue credit cards will increase, and the credit line of 15000 yuan may become bad debts.
In addition, the cardholder's repayment ability is also a key factor. If the cardholder's income is stable and his financial situation is good, then the credit line of 15000 yuan is unlikely to become a bad debt. On the contrary, if the cardholder's repayment ability is affected, such as unemployment or other financial difficulties, the risk of credit cards becoming bad debts will increase.
To sum up, Everbright Credit Card 15000 yuan may become a bad debt, but whether it will happen depends on the cardholder's repayment record, credit status and repayment ability.
For more information about credit cards and bad debts, it is recommended to consult China Everbright Bank or read relevant financial knowledge.
The above is the answer to whether Everbright Credit Card 15000 yuan will become a bad debt.