1. If a party whose household registration or place of residence is within the administrative region of this province is in any of the following circumstances and is indeed unable to pay for legal services due to financial difficulties, he or she may apply for legal aid: (1) Request for criminal defense and Criminal legal assistance; (2) Requesting for the payment of alimony, support, and childcare; (3) Requesting for the payment of pensions, relief funds, social insurance funds, and labor remuneration; (4) Requesting state compensation; (5) Requesting notarization of matters closely related to a citizen's personal life and property; (6) Other legal aid that is in compliance with laws and regulations.
The criteria for financial hardship shall be based on the minimum living standards stipulated by the people's government at or above the county level where legal aid is implemented.
2. Legal aid agencies shall provide legal aid to defendants in criminal cases who fall into any of the following circumstances: (1) Blind, deaf, mute and minors are criminal defendants without entrusting a defender; (2) A defendant who may be sentenced to death does not retain a defender, or a defendant who was sentenced to death by the People's Court in the first instance appeals without retaining a defender; (3) Others who comply with laws and regulations and should obtain legal aid.
3. If a foreigner or stateless criminal suspect or defendant does not entrust a legal assistant or a defender during the investigation and prosecution stage, the legal aid agency may, based on the application of the criminal suspect or defendant or on the basis of Legal aid is provided as designated by the People's Court.
So there is no distinction between the plaintiff and the defendant. Thank you for your acceptance~