Nowadays, many young people like to use credit cards and lending platforms. When they have no money, they rely on credit cards to consume. They have no consumption concept and no ability to control their desires. In the end, they will be crushed by credit cards. In life, after seeing the high repayment amount, I no longer have the same pleasure as when I bought something in the first place. Because of excessive consumption, most young people are being overwhelmed by credit cards in their lives.
Real consumption is to satisfy one's own needs according to what one can do. But I don't know since when, many young people have fallen into the trap of borrowing money to buy things, borrowing money to buy things, and paying back the money. Borrowing money, borrowing money and repaying money again, such a repeated cycle phenomenon, poverty is now the most obvious sign of young people, but although they are poor, their inflated shopping desire is growing day by day, and many consumerism Consumers use money to appease their anxieties, but the pleasure brought by consumerism is not real pleasure, it is just drinking poison to quench thirst.
Poverty limits people’s imagination. Turn on the TV, turn on the computer and turn on the mobile phone. What we see are all kinds of high-quality life. Walking on the street, there are a dazzling array of things for you to consume. Advertisements, such high-quality life and dazzling advertisements are very attractive to many people. Many people want to live such a life, so they will use various means to consume in advance. In the end, this desire is like a snowball. Likewise, if it snowballs, the money you owe will snowball, and this is when the nightmare begins.
The concept of poverty, poverty refers to the poor financial situation at that time, and poverty is the most terrible thing, it is the end. There is no hope. At the beginning, many people were poor. However, due to excessive consumption, every credit card was maxed out. By the time it was time to repay, poverty was already approaching. Not having money is a normal thing. You can make money through hard work and work, but you don't have to blindly borrow money here and there, and blindly compare consumption. Many profit-making companies now base this marketing method on your psychology. When you use a credit card to consume, the most important thing about a credit card is credit. If you want to survive in the future, you must maintain your credit. Only in this way can you Live better in the future.