Minimum credit card repayment interest rates vary from bank to bank. For example, if you repay the minimum payment amount of a China Merchants Bank credit card before the due payment date, no late payment fees will be incurred, but the consumption will accrue interest at an interest rate of 5% per day from the recording date (usually the day after the consumption). until paid in full. Cash withdrawals involve handling fees and interest. For example, for domestic cash withdrawals from China Construction Bank, the handling fee is 0.5 of the cash withdrawal amount, with a minimum of 2 yuan and a maximum of 100 yuan; China Merchants Bank's handling fee is 1 of the cash withdrawal amount, with a minimum of 10 yuan. The interest is also 0.5% per day.
To illustrate with a specific example, if the cardholder spent 2,000 yuan on September 18, he only repaid the minimum repayment amount of 200 yuan on October 25. In this way, even though his credit is good, interest will be accrued on the 2,000 yuan purchase from September 19 until October 25. If the entire debt is paid off on October 26, even if it is only one day short, you may need to pay an additional 38.9 yuan in interest, because the remaining 1,800 yuan will continue to charge interest at a daily interest rate of 0.5% from October 25.
In short, the calculation of interest on the minimum repayment is based on the specific regulations of the bank and the remaining outstanding amount, and may involve additional handling fees. Therefore, when using a credit card, it is best to understand and plan the repayment. Loan plan to avoid additional interest payments.