1. For non-cash advance transactions, the interest-free repayment period is from the card issuer’s accounting date to the last repayment date specified by the card issuer. Cash advances do not enjoy interest-free discounts.
2. Currently, the minimum interest-free repayment period for Minsheng Bank credit cards is 20 days and the maximum is 51 days. During this period, as long as the cardholder pays the current balance in full on the current bill, he does not have to pay any interest on the non-cash advance transaction. Cards such as Tongbao Installment Card and Platinum Financial Management Card do not enjoy the interest-free period.
3. According to the regulations of Minsheng Bank, if the last period is not fully repaid, the consumption in the previous period will not enjoy the interest-free period, but the consumption in the current period will still enjoy the interest-free period.