There will be points for buying things with credit cards, and credit card points can be exchanged for gifts in the official mall of the bank. However, it should be noted that not all gifts in shopping malls can be redeemed for points, and points cannot be redeemed for cash. Not all bank credit cards have points redemption function.
At present, the key method to get credit card points is to repay by credit card. Unlike banks, some banks can earn one point for one yuan, while others may have to pay 10 or 20 yuan to earn one point. Not all credit card purchases can be refunded At present, most bank credit cards have specific credit card purchase methods, especially online shopping. At present, most credit cards have no personal credit rating. Customers should clearly grasp the relevant standards when swiping credit cards.
In the application of points redemption, there are generally various theme activities, such as instant points redemption for new items, points redemption for new items, points lottery, points redemption phone calls, and cash punishment during bank APP consumption. If you have a lot of points, you can still save a lot of money.
Usually, you can pay more attention to the theme activities of banks, especially those banks that solve a large number of business processes themselves. It is even stronger to solve the credit card and cultivate the good habit of swiping it. This will not only benefit your personal credit record, but also save some area.
If you can swipe your credit card as much as possible, you can effectively use the interest-free period of most credit cards, and you don't have to exchange points irrationally. The most important thing is to pay back immediately when using a credit card. Once loans overdue's bad credit record will endanger borrowing and buying a house. In the final analysis, the grade of credit card is the crowning touch of rational use of credit card. You can exchange points for gifts, phone bills and even credit cards. Is to use everything more flexibly.
How do credit cards generate points?
There are many commercial service banks all over the country. They sell credit cards. In order to better encourage credit card customers to buy and sell, every bank has formulated credit card points rules and regulations. Credit cards have many ways to earn points, and 80% of the points come from credit card consumption, which means that credit cards will earn points. For example, in China Merchants Cooperative Bank, merchants with points can count as one point when buying and selling 20 yuan. Bank points of infrastructure and industrial and commercial bureau are counted as one point when merchants buy and sell one yuan.
The more difficult it is to accumulate scores, the greater the use value of their scores.
If the points are not used, they will be cleared when they expire. Many people don't know how to spend the points, or they don't look for the goods they want in the matching credit card integral mall system, so useless points need to be wasted.
The discovery of converting credit card points into cash
The redemption of points originally originated from some people's discovery that the difference can be obtained by purchasing the items redeemed by the credit card integral mall system and then selling them. For example, a person who doesn't cook trades points for a rice cooker, and sells 50 yuan to the buyer, and the buyer sells 70 yuan to the person who cooks. For those who sell rice cookers, they earn 50 yuan by spending credit card points; for purchasing, they earn 20 yuan by selling products. In fact, the principle of converting points into cash is as simple as that.
What's the exchange rate of points for cash now?
There are several exchange service platforms for exchanging points for cash, which are very convenient for customers and feel very good. Only through these three processes, you can easily redeem points, redeem coupon codes and sign contracts by yourself!