Take the credit card installment of CITIC Bank as an example. This is a single interest-free installment payment service provided by CITIC Bank. After paying a certain handling fee, the cardholder can repay the unpaid single consumption amount in the current period in equal installments according to the number of installments applied by the cardholder, without paying the interest due to incomplete repayment. The cardholder must apply for a single installment payment within the time interval of two days after the credit card consumption transaction (after the transaction is recorded) to three working days before the current bill date. The amount of a single installment application is the total amount of a single installment, and the total amount of installments cannot exceed the cardholder's permanent quota. The number of optional periods includes 3 periods, 6 periods, 9 periods, 12 periods, 18 periods and 24 periods, and the corresponding rates of each period are 0.65%, 0.60%, 0.60%, 0.55%, 0.64% and 0.60% respectively.
If you need to apply for the single installment or bill installment business of CITIC Bank, you can apply through the following channels:
1) Call the 24-hour customer service hotline of CITIC Bank Credit Card: 400-88-95558, and press 1 to select Mandarin. The installment and single installment business will be handled by professionals for you;
2) Log in to CITIC Bank to apply for credit card online banking;
3) Through CITIC Online Banking on WAP;
4) Mobile phone downloads mobile space.