Never choose to run away after the credit card stops, that is, change your address and mobile phone so that the bank can't be contacted. This is the worst way to handle it. You know, from the day you apply for a credit card, your personal data and credit information will be recorded in the central bank's credit information system. No matter where you go in the future, unless you don't deal with the bank, pay the water and electricity media fee, buy a mobile phone card or handle a fixed telephone, you will find a cardholder and your credit record will be discredited. It will be difficult to get bank loans and credit card approval in the future, and it may even affect your future employment.
Once the minimum repayment amount is not paid back, the best way is for the cardholder to contact the issuing bank immediately, explain his situation, and say that he does not owe money maliciously, but because he can't pay it off immediately due to temporary economic changes, and apply for deferred repayment. Generally speaking, as long as the cardholder actively contacts the bank, the bank will usually design a mutually acceptable repayment method for the cardholder, such as delaying the payment. Discount the repayment of interest or repay the cardholder an acceptable amount every month. After all, once the cardholder fails to repay, the money is a bad debt for the bank, so the bank will be happy to save every cardholder who wants to repay but is temporarily unable to repay.
Credit card, also called debit card, is a credit certificate issued by a commercial bank or credit card company to eligible consumers. It is a card with name, expiration date, number and cardholder's name printed on the front, and a magnetic stripe and signature strip on the back. Consumers with credit cards can go to specialized commercial service departments for shopping or spending, and then the bank will settle accounts with merchants and cardholders, and cardholders can overdraw within the prescribed limits.
The credit card stipulated in the relevant laws of our country (Interpretation of the Provisions of NPC Standing Committee on Credit Cards) refers to the electronic payment card issued by commercial banks or other financial institutions with all or part of the functions of consumer payment, credit loan, transfer settlement, cash deposit and withdrawal, etc.