The minimum repayment of a credit card has no impact on your credit report. As long as your repayment amount is greater than or equal to the minimum repayment amount, the bank will not count you as overdue. However, the minimum repayment does not enjoy the interest-free period, and the bank will From the accounting date, interest will be calculated at a daily interest rate of 0.05.
1. If the credit report is overdue, it will definitely have a certain impact on the loan. Banks are very strict in their credit review of borrowers. They generally follow the principle of "three in a row and six in a row". When repaying the minimum repayment amount, you do not need to apply to the bank. You can repay directly according to the minimum amount on the bill.
① There can be no more than 6 overdue payments in the last 2 years, and no non-repayment for more than 90 consecutive days. Most banks will not refuse a loan because it is less than 90 days overdue. However, each bank has different specific regulations. There are also banks with strict requirements. They will make it clear that if there is an overdue loan in the past six months, no loan will be given no matter how long the overdue loan is.
② Therefore, if the overdue loan does not exceed 90 days and does not exceed 6 times within 2 years, the possibility of applying for a bank loan is relatively high. However, some banks may reduce loan amounts, increase loan interest rates, or shorten loan terms to reduce risks. Of course, users can also improve their loan approval rate in some ways. For example, if you deposit certain assets in a bank, the bank will be more tolerant towards customers who have assets in the bank and a history of financial management and investment. The second step is to provide proof of your other assets, such as securities, real estate, etc. You can also find a guarantor for guarantee, provided that the guarantor has certain assets and repayment ability.
③ Another situation is that the overdue payment occurs without my knowledge, such as the credit card is maliciously stolen or the certificate is used by others to apply for a credit card or loan. In this case, you can contact the bank and relevant departments. After issuing certain certificates, you can eliminate your overdue record. However, as people pay more attention to private information and technology advances, the probability of this happening is smaller.