Regarding the use of credit cards, it is suggested to diversify consumption, such as shopping, eating a meal, singing a K and so on. If you can swipe your card, you can also use it online. It is best to combine online shopping with physical stores. Don't swipe your credit card frequently, and pay back the money on time according to the total amount payable in the credit card bill, which is more conducive to the accumulation of credit and the adjustment of credit limit.
At the same time, if there is a temporary need, you can try to apply for a temporary quota.
There are several specific application methods for temporary quota. You can choose one that suits you.
First, the telephone self-service voice
Second, online banking-credit card-credit card quota adjustment.
Third, SMS adjustment, the landlord uses the mobile phone number reserved in his home system to edit the SMS "the amount to be adjusted is the last four digits of CCTE# card number" to 95533. (For example, if the landlord has a fixed quota of 10000 yuan and wants to adjust it to a temporary quota of 15000 yuan, and the card number is 8888, then edit the short message "ccte # 8888 # 15000". )
Four, mobile banking, in the "credit card", select "credit card limit management".
Fifth, WeChat, China Construction Bank, select "Credit Card" on the tab.