Creating a credit card means erasing the credit card and no longer using it. You need to call a major credit card center to cancel the card. After canceling, just cut the card.
Three aspects to pay attention to when canceling a credit card:
Cancellation of a credit card does not leave a "tail". Whether canceling a credit card through telephone banking or going to a bank counter, in addition to preparing relevant documents and cards, you must also You must ensure that there is no outstanding balance in the card. If the deposit amount is small and you no longer want it, you must explain it to the staff and ask them to clear it;
After canceling the credit card, you cannot throw it away. The canceled card still has There is a lot of personal information, and it can be used in some places where only the card number is required, so it must not be thrown away. If there is no need for collection, the magnetic strip should be cut off and handed over to the bank counter for special shredding. If you want to be lazy, at least cut the magnetic strip into several sections;
Call to check the cancellation status after 46 days. Whether you cancel by phone or at the counter, you should call the bank after 46 days to check the cancellation status. After getting confirmation, Only then can the deregistration be truly successful.