1. Credit information will be collected at the meeting once the credit card is overdue. All credit cards have a final repayment date. If you repay after the repayment date, all of them will be considered overdue, and all of them will be reported to the credit bureau, which will have the following effects on individuals. No longer enjoy interest-free repayment. The personal credit record is seriously overdue, and the amount is huge, which will also constitute a crime because of "malicious overdraft". If the payment is overdue for more than three months or the bank has made more than two reminders, the bank will freeze your card and list you as a prohibited customer (blacklist), and will also sue you for credit card fraud and malicious overdraft, which will be enforced by the court. Occasionally, the impact of overdue credit cards on individuals is not too serious, as long as they are paid back in time. Overdue for no more than four times in a year, the impact on individuals is not too great. If it is overdue for three consecutive months or even seven months, you can't make any bank loans or credit loans in the past five years.
second, how to solve the debt dispute after the credit card is sued for overdue is a civil debt dispute. It is suggested that the parties should repay the arrears as soon as possible, so that the bank will not prosecute the parties.
3. Common types of credit card fraud
1. Lie that you won the grand prize by text message or telephone, and ask for your card number in the name of remittance needs, and ask you to pay 2% income tax first and transfer it to its designated account.
2. The policeman posing as the economic investigation department of public security lied that your credit card was stolen and the suspect has been arrested, and asked you to report your card number and password to the "public security personnel".
3. Fake websites are tempting to be fooled. Advertise on it that the online bank is drawing a lottery. When you click enter, you will be asked to enter the card number and password.
4. Post a "notice" to induce you to transfer money. Post a notice on the ATM machine, such as "The banking system is out of order, please follow the following procedures, or you will be at your own risk". When you follow the prompts, you will transfer the amount on the card to the liar.
5. create the illusion that the credit card has been swallowed. First, tamper with the ATM so that the card can't be taken out, and then pretend to be a kind person to remind you to re-enter the password. When your operation is invalid and you ask in the business hall of the bank, "good people" will take the card away.
6. Install a micro camera and a card reader on the ATM in advance. When you withdraw money from the ATM, you steal the credit card information and password, and then clone your bank card to withdraw money.