You probably didn’t take effective measures after your bank card or credit card was stolen.
Be sure to pay attention to the following after your bank card or credit card is stolen:
The court is in The most important point when determining a counterfeit card transaction is the determination of time and space distance
Hold the bank card immediately
Go to the nearest ATM to make a transaction
You can inquire about deposits and withdrawals
And keep the receipt
This is an important factor for the court to determine illegal transactions
Warm reminder
1. Call the police as soon as possible after learning that the card has been stolen;
2. Evidence that can prove that the real card (or passbook) was in his or her own hands when the withdrawal occurred. You can quickly go to the nearest bank counter or ATM machine to make a deposit or withdrawal transaction, and keep the voucher;
3. Quickly submit a stop payment request to the card-issuing bank;
4. Report to the person involved in the case The bank reported the situation and requested that the surveillance video be extracted and retained.