Generally speaking, the time to deduct the annual fee is generally the card opening date, the card issuing date and the first card use date. Some types of bank cards are different. For example, some credit cards of CITIC Bank need to be swiped once within 60 days after the card is activated, otherwise the corresponding annual fee will be deducted. The annual fee deduction time of most banks is on the day of card opening. For example, if the credit card opening date of China Bank is March 2nd, then the annual fee will be deducted on March 2nd every year.
In addition to the time to deduct the annual fee, cardholders also need to pay attention. In addition, the annual fee-free conditions of some credit cards are not determined by the number of swipes, but by the amount of swipes. For example, ICBC's annual fee-free policy for some card types is determined by whether the credit card quota reaches 5,000 yuan.