Whether you need proof of residence to apply for a bank card depends on the specific situation. Generally speaking, you do not need to provide proof of residence to apply for a bank card. However, if you apply for a bank card in a different place, you may need to provide some additional supporting documents, such as ID card, work certificate and student ID card. In addition, if it is in some special circumstances, such as handling credit cards, loans and other businesses, it may be necessary to provide proof of residence or other relevant documents. Generally, you don't need to provide proof of residence to apply for a bank card, but in some cases, you may need to provide additional supporting documents. Consult your local bank or relevant institutions for accurate information.
To sum up, bank cards generally do not need to provide proof of residence, but in some cases, additional supporting documents may be needed. Consult your local bank or relevant institutions for accurate information.
Legal basis:
The Law of the People's Republic of China on Resident Identity Cards stipulates: "China citizens who have reached the age of 16 and live in People's Republic of China (PRC) shall apply for resident identity cards in accordance with the provisions of this Law. China citizens under the age of 16 may apply for resident identity cards on their behalf by guardians in accordance with the provisions of this Law. "
The Measures for the Administration of Bank Card Business stipulates: "The bank card opening business must be handled by myself, and the issuing bank shall order it to make corrections and deal with its violations seriously."