1. The total amount of two credit cards in the same bank will not change. That is to say, if you have two credit cards with a bank limit of 10,000, this means that the limit of using these two credit cards together is 10,000. If you spend 6,000 on one card, you can only spend 4,000 on other cards;
2. The advantage of having two cards is that you can use them in turn when making purchases, stagger the card issuance date, and share the repayment pressure, but it should be reasonable. Consumption;
3. Different cards have different services, and you can enjoy a variety of services;
1. Credit cards are issued by commercial banks or credit card companies to credit-qualified consumers. the applicant’s credit certificate. It takes the form of a card with the name, expiry date, card number and cardholder name printed on the front, and a magnetic stripe and signature strip printed on the back. Consumers who hold credit cards can go to specialized commercial service departments to shop or consume, and the bank will settle the bill with the merchant and the cardholder. The cardholder can overdraft within the prescribed limit.
2. The relevant legal provisions of credit cards in my country (the People’s Republic of China’s credit cards as stipulated in the Criminal Law of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress as interpreted) refer to credit cards issued by electronic commercial banks or other financial institutions. Payment cards provide all or part of the functions of consumer payment, credit loans, transfer settlement, cash deposits and withdrawals, etc.
3. Credit cards are divided into credit cards and quasi-credit cards. A credit card refers to a credit card in which the cardholder has a certain credit limit and can consume within the credit limit and then repay later. A quasi-credit card refers to a quasi-credit card in which the cardholder deposits a certain amount of reserve as required and can overdraw within the specified credit limit when the reserve account balance is insufficient to pay.
4. One day in the 1950s, American businessman Frank McNamara was entertaining guests in a restaurant in New York. After dinner, he found that he had forgotten his wallet, so he had to call his wife to bring cash to the hotel to check out, which made him feel very embarrassed. So McNamara came up with the idea of ??starting a credit card company. In the spring of 1950, McNamara cooperated with his friend Schneider and invested US$10,000 to establish the Diners Club in New York, the predecessor of Diners Club. Come to the club to provide members with a card that proves their identity and ability to pay. With this card, members can make reservations and spend money at 27 designated restaurants without paying cash. This is the earliest credit card. This kind of credit card that does not require a bank to handle is a commercial credit card.