Ask the customer service whether this card really exists under your ID card. If not, it can only show that your bank information has been leaked, or that you have ignored it, or that other cards under this bank have reported the loss before replacing them; If yes, contact the bank for handling. Generally speaking, a credit card without my personal signature cannot be accepted by me, which is the fault of the bank, but please remember that if the other party's fault causes his own losses, it is his own problem.
Of course, this kind of fraud may follow. For example, you will also receive a phone call claiming to be the court, to the effect that because you didn't reply to the bank within the set time, the bank has filed a lawsuit against you and asked to go to the address where the court is located within a certain time. Of course, if such a thing happens, don't panic. Come to think of it, the phone call came suddenly. Receiving such a phone call before receiving a lawyer's letter is not in line with legal procedures. So, you can ignore it, you should be recruited.
Well, that's all, I hope to adopt it.