1. Less credit cards
Banks issue a certain amount of credit cards to cardholders, hoping that cardholders can use credit cards to spend money, and banks can earn corresponding transaction fees. However, if the cardholder is idle for a long time after activating the credit card or the amount of credit card swiped in each period is very small, the bank will think that you have no need to use the card at all and will reduce the credit card limit for you.
2. Credit card cashing is recognized by banks.
You can cash in by swiping your card on a POS machine or in a Taobao shop. I thought I would be concealed by the bank, but in fact, the bank has a screening mechanism for abnormal behavior of credit cards. Once it is found that you have cashed in your credit card, and the suspected circumstances are serious, the bank is likely to give you a penalty of reduction.
3. The credit card is maliciously overdue
If the credit card is maliciously overdue, the credit card bill is overdue for a long time or the amount owed is large, the bank will think that the cardholder has the risk of bad debts, so it may reduce the credit card.