Having applied for a credit card but not activating it may affect your credit, because some credit cards will incur annual fees even if they are not activated, such as some banks' platinum cards, diamond cards, etc. The annual fees of these cards are relatively high. High. If you fail to pay or forget to pay, your credit report will be overdue.
Effects of non-activated credit card
1. Fees may be charged
The China Banking Regulatory Commission stipulates: "Before the cardholder activates the credit card, banking financial institutions shall not charge any fees." Any fees will be charged, except when the cardholder authorizes the banking financial institution to deduct fees in writing, customer service center phone recording or electronic signature.”
However, it should be noted that platinum cards and some special cards. There is an annual fee even if the card is not activated.
For regular and gold card users, it is best to call the bank to confirm whether there will be an annual fee or other fees if it is not activated.
2. There is the risk of fraud
In a case uncovered in 2014, criminals used online purchases of personal information, forged ID cards, and exploited bank customer service loopholes to activate credit cards. Tens of thousands of dollars were stolen. Just because "dormant" credit cards are ignored by everyone, there are also great security risks.
3. Impact on personal credit report
Information of unactivated credit cards will have records such as "This card has not been activated" in the credit report.
So, after you have such a credit record, if you have a credit application in the future, the bank or other financial institution will evaluate the record and consider whether to approve it. If you have more than one "This card has not been activated" record, your credit application will most likely be rejected.
4. It will be affected if you apply for a card again
Under normal circumstances, banks will comprehensively consider giving you a credit limit based on the total amount of all your credit card limits. Once you apply for too many credit cards, even if they are not activated, they will still account for part of the total credit limit. Then, when we apply for a credit card from this bank in the future, we will either be rejected or the limit will be very low.
How to deal with unactivated credit cards
So, if you no longer want to use your credit card, even if it is inactive, you must cancel it in time.
Generally, when a credit card is not activated, there are two methods to cancel it.
1. To cancel at the bank counter, you need to bring your original ID card and credit card and ask the staff to help you cancel.
2. Dial the bank’s customer service number, find a manual receptionist through independent voice prompts, and ask him to help you manually log out. After selecting manual cancellation successfully, the credit card will be automatically canceled successfully in the next month after applying for manual cancellation successfully.
After canceling a credit card, be sure to cut the invalid credit card along the magnetic strip to prevent the credit card from being stolen.