Credit card installment repayment will not affect the use of credit cards, and occasionally using credit card installment can also help users improve the credit limit of credit cards. However, credit card installment cannot be used frequently, because after frequent use, the bank will doubt the cardholder's repayment ability and think that the cardholder has a financial crisis.
It is best to apply by telephone between the billing date and the repayment date when handling credit card installment, but the minimum consumption repayment amount stipulated by the bank must be reached when handling installment repayment. You can choose different periods when applying for installment, and the installment rates in different periods are different.
It should be noted that credit card installment repayment cannot be made in installments, such as cash withdrawal amount, interest, penalty interest, temporary amount, etc. Moreover, the credit card limit will be occupied after the installment, which will affect the subsequent consumption. However, the credit card limit will be partially restored every time the user pays back the installment.
In addition to using credit card to pay in installments, users can also use the minimum repayment amount, but if they choose the form of minimum repayment amount, they will no longer enjoy the interest-free period. You need to bear five ten thousandths of interest every day, and then pay it back in the form of monthly payment.
Finally, the credit card must be returned on time after use, and there can be no overdue situation, because there will be penalty interest after overdue, and the longer the time, the more penalty interest. Moreover, the overdue repayment of credit cards will be uploaded to the credit information center, resulting in poor personal credit information. Moreover, after the overdue arrears are returned, the overdue records will continue to be kept for 5 years, and will automatically disappear after 5 years.