Industrial Credit Card Cash Installment is a service that uses the available limit of the credit card to withdraw cash and repay the cash in installments. In cash installments, credit card holders can choose to use part or all of their credit card balances for cash installments and repay them in installments according to the agreed term and interest rate. During the cash installment process, the cardholder can use the installment amount for consumption, so it can be counted as a consumption.
It should be noted that Industrial Credit Card cash installment will charge certain handling fees and interest fees. The handling fee is usually calculated in proportion to the installment amount, while the interest fee is calculated based on the agreed interest rate and installment period. Cardholders need to repay the installment amount of each installment on time during the installment period, otherwise overdue fees will be incurred.
In short, Industrial Credit Card cash installment is considered a form of consumption, but you need to pay attention to the installment fees and interest charges, as well as the importance of repaying it on time.