Regardless of the amount, credit cards have a quite humanized measure, which is called interest-free period. This interest-free period, as the name implies, means that within this specified time, you can enjoy the treatment of not paying interest, only overdrawing a little, without interest, without interest. Therefore, credit card is more convenient than loan, because it is not only interest-free, but also can be used for revolving credit. If people who need cash flow frequently, a large credit card is essential.
Some people will say that I don't do my job properly and don't need such a large sum of money. Yes, but the high credit card limit is not limited to these. What are the benefits? We continue to look down.
The popularity of high-value interest-free credit cards is due to the high amount on the surface, but another benefit has been neglected, that is, personal credit will be improved, which is a plus item. Although the personal credit information in China is not so perfect at present, when making a loan, the bank will check everyone's current credit situation. If you have a high credit card in your name, it can prove your financial resources and repayment ability.