You can save money, but you can only use a credit card after deposit, and there is no interest on deposit. Cash withdrawal is regarded as the credit card borrowing cash in advance, and the handling fee is charged but no interest is charged (provided that the cash withdrawal amount is within the excess deposit amount of the credit card), and according to the regulations of the People's Bank of China, the credit card (debit card) can only withdraw 2000 yuan or equivalent RMB foreign currency every day.
Extended data:
Credit card "overflow deposit" may occur after the credit card is recharged, and the amount is equal to all deposits MINUS the amount owed in the bill. Most card-issuing banks will handle the overdraft withdrawal of their own deposits for cardholders and charge a certain handling fee.
Most banks charge fees ranging from 0.3% to 3% for withdrawing excess deposits, with the lowest fees ranging from 1 yuan 2 yuan to 10 yuan 30 yuan. At present, only the credit card of Guangfa Bank provides free service for withdrawing overflow deposits.
For example, Mr. A has deposited 5,000 yuan into his credit card, and his outstanding bill is 2,600 yuan, then the system will automatically return the credit card debt first, and the remaining 2,400 yuan will be left in Mr. A's account as an "overflow deposit". It can be seen that even if you deposit money into your credit card before the final repayment date, there will not be so many "overflow deposits" as you deposit.
In the above example, if Mr. A wants to get back the deposit of 5,000 yuan, then the 2,600 yuan that has been used to repay the arrears will be regarded as overdraft cash withdrawal, and five ten thousandths of interest will be paid every day.