If your certification conditions are sufficient, it is very easy to get off the card. If the certificate is not so sufficient, it may not be available or the quota is low, so we should pay close attention to the dynamics of the card and check the handling situation online. Generally, it takes about 20-40 days from the time you submit the application materials for handling the card. After receiving the credit card application materials from various cities, the credit card center reviews and files them, which takes 15 days. Then there is making cards. Due to the high value of business card printing equipment, it is basically made by credit card centers of domestic banks. This process usually takes two days. The last step is to send the card to the cardholder by registered mail, which usually takes 7 days-15 days. Counting the possible delays between various links, it is normal to get the card in 40 days.
If you have any other questions, I suggest you call the customer service staff of the Postal Savings Bank, hoping to help you.