When there is illegal transaction of bank cards, the issuing bank will suspend off-counter transactions of bank cards. If the cardholder has no transaction for half a year after holding the bank card, the card-issuing bank will also suspend the off-counter transaction. In addition, this will also happen when the information such as bank cards changes.
to put it simply, if the bank card has not been used for more than half a year, the ID card has expired recently, and the information in the system is incomplete, it will cause the bank card to suspend off-counter transactions. When the ID card expires, the restriction will be lifted as long as the cardholder goes to the counter or perfects the information on the mobile banking.
it's not a serious matter to suspend off-counter trading, and you don't need to be too alarmed when you stop off-counter trading. For the cardholders who encounter the suspension of off-counter transactions for the first time, it is suggested to call customer service to find the counter phone number of the bank, ask the reason for the suspension of off-counter transactions, and provide corresponding information according to the requirements of the bank.
how to lift the suspension of OTC transactions by CCB?
1. Account risk: If the bank can't confirm whether the card has been operated by itself due to abnormal operation, so in order to protect the rights and interests of customers and protect the security of customers' accounts, our bank card will be suspended except for over-the-counter transactions. In this case, we can contact the bank, show it to the bank that it is my operation, and apply to cancel this state.
2. The account is involved in the case: if it is identified as a money laundering or financial fraud account by the public security organ, it cannot be dissolved in the bank. We need to consult the relevant judicial organs to understand the problems existing in our bank account.
3. No transaction within 6 months after opening an account: this is mainly for non-counter trading channels. The central bank stipulates that banks should suspend the off-counter business of accounts with no transaction records within 6 months from the date of opening an account. In this case, we can bring our ID card to the counter to lift the restrictions. However, this is calculated from the second day after the account is opened. If it has not been used for 6 months after use, it will usually not be affected.
4. Incomplete or expired identity information: We need to reserve our basic information, including name, address, identity information, etc., when we open an account and apply for a card in a bank. If the information is incomplete, does not conform to the real identity or the certificate is expired, it is likely that the bank will restrict off-counter transactions. We can bring relevant documents to the bank to complete the information. If the ID card expires, we need to reissue it.
5. Banking system upgrade: If the transaction cannot be conducted due to the failure of machinery and equipment of CCB or the upgrading of the banking system, we only need to wait for the completion of system maintenance and upgrade before operating. If you are in a hurry, you can handle it through other channels or directly at the counter.