1. There is a grace period. Most bank credit cards have a grace period, which is usually 2 to 3 days after the specified repayment date. If you fail to repay after the grace period, it is truly overdue. Therefore, if it is a credit card from a bank with a grace period, if the repayment is made one day after the repayment date, and the repayment time does not exceed the grace period, this is a normal repayment, not overdue, and will definitely not have any impact. .
2. There is no grace period. Some banks do not have a grace period, such as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. If you do not repay the loan on the day after the repayment date, it will still be overdue even if it is only one day late. There will be these two effects. . 1) One day's penalty interest and liquidated damages will be generated. The standard for liquidated damages is 5% of the unpaid portion lower than the minimum repayment amount; the daily interest is 0.5%, and the interest is calculated based on the amount of the monthly bill owed. 2) If a bad credit record occurs, the second-generation credit report requires reporting on the same day of collection. When the credit report is updated on T1, the credit card overdue record will be displayed, which is not conducive to handling bank credit business in the future.
1. What should I do if I can't afford my credit card after I get out of prison?
1, installment payment
Applying fo